Welcome Sisters for Sight!


We are excited and proud to announce that Sisters for Sight will be joining Save Sight Now in our efforts to raise funding for USH1B research. The coming together of this community to focus our efforts and attention on the same target is what will allow us to arrive at a treatment faster than if we went at it alone - there is undeniable strength in numbers. We look forward to working side by side and fundraising with Sisters for Sight - Ava, Stella and Anna. I want to share their story and why they started Sisters for Sight (years ago) through Anna’s words:

For those of you that don't know, we recently found out why Ava and Stella were born deaf. They both have a very rare genetic syndrome called Usher Syndrome type 1. The girls have already lost so much. Born deaf, severe balance issues, losing their father at the tender age of 5 and 2. I thought we had been thrown enough curveballs, then came Usher Syndrome. Currently there is no cure, without one Usher will rob them of their sight also. I thought it would be easy to put something together to be proactive about raising the much needed funds for research, but it is something, like anything worthwhile, that will take time. I thought documenting our journey here would be good therapy, as well as a good way to spread awareness. Ava wants to see the Eiffel Tower one day. Stella Rose wants to be a veterinarian. I have so many hopes for their future. So many things that I want them to do and see. I will do my best, I will prepare them for a world without sight. Vision will not hinder them from being smart, successful, independent women. It does make my heart sink to think of them not being able to know the feeling of looking into the eyes of their first born, possibly forgetting what I look like. These things are too awful to think about right now and I am certain that by doing my part, spreading awareness, and being as proactive as I possibly can that they will not have to experience life without the gift of sight. This is our journey as a family. We hope that you will join us on it.

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Justin Porcano